Kampai! is Out!

A very, very nice surprise this morning.
My latest work, Kampai, has managed to break the top ten in Japan.
I'm not crazy about the cover, to be honest. And, the final product is very different from what I intended to write, but, but, but, there's still a lot of interesting information thrown in with anecdotes of my life in Japan. A Kampai! 2 is in the works, and may come out perhaps next year.
Lemme tell ya, this has been perhaps the most productive nine months of my life. In addition to the dozen or so articles I have written for a number of different sites, mags, and journals, I have pumped out:
a new novel (A Woman's Hand), rewritten another (Rokuban), gotten half done on a third (A Woman's Tears),
two works of nonfiction (Kampai, Boys Have Dingdongs),
a collection of essays and stories (I 🖤 FUK, due out soonish),
a photo collection (Covered),
and, two textbooks (Speak Up!).
I hope the next 12 months will be as productive or more.
For more on my writing go here.

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